Ashwaganda - Therapeutic Uses

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Does Borage tea calm the nerves?

Ashwaganda - Therapeutic Uses

Ashwaganda is a member of the nightshade family, and
is thought of by some along the same lines as ginseng

Ashwanda is an aid as an anti-inflammatory, a mild
sedative, and even supposed to increase libido.

Use also for an aid in treating Alzheimer's, anemia,
asthma, arthritis, high cholesterol, fever, stress
and ulcers.

Folklore says to use it for backaches, cramps, diarrhea, insomnia, nausea, and swelling.

This plant is usually used as an all purpose tonic,
much like ginseng. Some research has shown that active
properties of ashwanganda give the immune system a
boost, reduce stress, fight off infections.

Please read Dosage/Safe Use Tip!



3/9/2007 11:43:00 AM
shiva sivananthan said:

I was using last two months, i am satisfied make me more clam and relaxed. Make me good in bed too.


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